Creag nan Cadhag Topo


Doug Bartholomew on Bovnahakit 6a+, one of the fantastic easier routes that’s not on the topo.

Creag nan Cadhag (aka Stone Valley), near Gairloch, is one of the better sport crags in Wester Ross. It really does have something for everyone, with a grade range from 5+ up to 8a+. The rock is best quality gneiss and the locals love it. In fact they love it so much they’ve added lots of variations, extensions and link-ups so as to squeeze as much climbing as they can from the crag. Unfortunately this makes it a little confusing for the first time visitor. Hopefully this topo will clarify things and you’ll have no excuse for wandering off route.


Colin Morrison on Game Over

1 Ronald Raygun 7b+ ***

2 Ronald Raygun Direct (aka Margaret Thatcher’s Funeral) 7c **

3 Fukushima 7c *

4 Nuclear Nightmare 8a+ *** (Nuclear Litemare 7a * to first lower-off)

5 Nuclear Cop Out 7c+ **

6 Thick as Thieves 7b *

7 There Goes Gravity 7c+ *

8 Game Over Extension 8a+ *** (Game Over 7b ** to first lower-off)

9 Coalition Chaos 7a+ **

10 Deaf Violinist 7a **


Tess Fryer on Ronald Raygun


Mhari Stewart on Coalition Chaos